Duolingo: Revolutionizing Language Learning

Duolingo is a language learning app, developed by Luis Von Ahn and Severin Hacker. Through this app, the players learn multiple languages. It is accessible to anyone who has an internet connection or device. It promotes multilingualism and multi-cultures. 1.2 billion people are learning multiple languages on the Duolingo app and website. Students don’t need to buy expensive language courses from different websites. Instead, they need to give some time to this Duolingo app to learn a certain language.

Many ways to learn

Learning a certain language becomes easier if we mold it funnily. So, instead, it becomes a burden on you, we turn the textbook of the language into a game. The Duolingo app represents this textbook in Tales and communicative bilateral Podcasts. The students build their vocab, grammar and listening abilities through these tales and podcasts.

Gamification: Making Learning Fun

Gamification Making Learning Fun

Duolingo rejects the traditional learning method as the teachers feel difficulties in communicating with all the students in the classrooms. As a result, students don’t feel any pressure or passion for learning a specific language because language is all about communication and active engagement. 

If this element is absent in the teaching methodology, then theoretical learning is useless. Duolingo presents a modern learning method. Instead of giving the books in their hands, it gives phones with interesting ways of learning the language.

Gamification Making Learning Fun

Points and Levels

The students learn and complete their given lessons. As a result, they get an opportunity to unlock the next lesson on the next level. This process of equirements makes the students excited for the next lesson on the next level.


In the game, the students passionately learn the language regularly and manage to build a streak. After the completion of the streak, a green parrot spreads its wings, swirls around and turns into a parrot of golden streak colour that represents your victory and also gives you rewards. This streak also builds a habit of learning regularly.


While learning on this application, the players also get positions on the leaderboard according to their scores and learning progress. This competition raises a flame of doing better from the peers and the students start working on their multilingual skills.

Badges and Rewards

There is another way to learn the language by achieving victory in the given challenge. During this process, you also get rewards in the form of gems and hearts.

Integration into the Classroom

Supplementing Curriculum

Duolingo offers more practices and practical activities to make the traditional way of learning in the classrooms better.

Homework Assignments

The teachers can utilize this application healthily by assigning specific lessons or levels for their homework. So that the students can sharpen their bilingual or multilingual abilities.

Flipped Classroom

The learners can learn the language without any classrooms, they can learn from their houses and actively participate in every conversation on this application.

Tracking Progress

The students and parents can track their progress in learning a certain language. They can track their mistakes, and learn vocabulary and grammatical techniques. The teachers, parents and students can observe the problems of the students that they face in learning a particular lesson or pronunciation of particular words.
Case Studies and Success Stories

Case Studies and Success Stories

Case Studies and Success Stories
Many schools including Pioneer School apply this application in their teaching methodology to get more benefits and to improve their traditional system of education.

Public Schools in Brazil

Many Brazilian public schools have introduced the Duolingo app in their system to help their students learn international languages. In response, the improvement ratio is increased and the students’ active participation is also increased due to this application.

Adult Education Programs

Globally, many adults and linguistic students are using Duolingo for getting to communicate with foreign friends and to help themselves in a foreign country, especially in America. As well as it helps to break the language barrier between foreigners and natives.

Future of Language Learning with Duolingo

Future of Language Learning with Duolingo
Duolingo is still in the upgrading mode according to the company. The developers are continuously working on the developments and launching new features in the game for a better learning experience in the future.
Future of Language Learning with Duolingo


Duolingo not only helps adults to survive in foreign countries but also many schools in this world utilize this app in their teaching methods to sharpen the abilities of their kids and to track their progress.